Manage Relations, Contact, Locations & Files with JSW CRM.

With JSW CRM 4, installed in a Joomla 3 or 4 CMS, you can:

  • Manage, upload & view/share contacts & relations
  • Manage Files/documents, even very large ones, use it for your personal (we)transfer app 
  • Manage Video's. Video's you uploaded tot your own website, on Youtube or Vimeo
  • Videofiles automatically are shown with a player
  • And all those data can be added to a location
  • View the data in several layouts List, Gallery, Table, Tree & Calendar view
  • Make views with a menuitem from one or more categories,  filter them with tag(s)
  • Make a view of all the items from a (logged in) user or make a menuitem where a logged in user can see his items
  • Create a map with Google maps or Openstreetmap & show all the items or with items from 1 or more categories and or tagged with a tag 
  • Set up a settable search banner on top (set where visitors/users can search on)
  • Modules: Category & Contacts ( views list, gallery, slider, calendar)

 Other properties of JSW CRM

  • Each item you add to a category automatically gets the view rights of that category
  • JSW CRM is ideal for a intranet environment
  • Items in JSW CRM can be linked to other stuff with a module that gets installed & makes a link in the texteditor
  • Only published items thet have a menu-item gets reachable in the frontend
  • It can be installed besides other components that are driven with the Joomlatools Framework
  • Which kind of files JSW CRM can handle can be set in the configuration.